#!/usr/bin/python # # net_monitor.py Aggregates incoming network traffic # outputs source ip, destination ip, the number of their network traffic, and current time # how to use : net_monitor.py <net_interface> # # Copyright (c) 2020 YoungEun Choe from bcc import BPF import time from ast import literal_eval import sys def help(): print("execute: {0} <net_interface>".format(sys.argv[0])) print("e.g.: {0} eno1\n".format(sys.argv[0])) exit(1) if len(sys.argv) != 2: help() elif len(sys.argv) == 2: INTERFACE = sys.argv[1] bpf_text = """ #include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h> #include <net/sock.h> #include <bcc/proto.h> #include <linux/bpf.h> #define IP_TCP 6 #define IP_UDP 17 #define IP_ICMP 1 #define ETH_HLEN 14 BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(skb_events); BPF_HASH(packet_cnt, u64, long, 256); int packet_monitor(struct __sk_buff *skb) { u8 *cursor = 0; u32 saddr, daddr; long* count = 0; long one = 1; u64 pass_value = 0; struct ethernet_t *ethernet = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*ethernet)); struct ip_t *ip = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*ip)); if (ip->nextp != IP_TCP) { if (ip -> nextp != IP_UDP) { if (ip -> nextp != IP_ICMP) return 0; } } saddr = ip -> src; daddr = ip -> dst; pass_value = saddr; pass_value = pass_value << 32; pass_value = pass_value + daddr; count = packet_cnt.lookup(&pass_value); if (count) // check if this map exists *count += 1; else // if the map for the key doesn't exist, create one { packet_cnt.update(&pass_value, &one); } return -1; } """ from ctypes import * import ctypes as ct import sys import socket import os import struct OUTPUT_INTERVAL = 1 bpf = BPF(text=bpf_text) function_skb_matching = bpf.load_func("packet_monitor", BPF.SOCKET_FILTER) BPF.attach_raw_socket(function_skb_matching, INTERFACE) # retrieeve packet_cnt map packet_cnt = bpf.get_table('packet_cnt') # retrieeve packet_cnt map def decimal_to_human(input_value): input_value = int(input_value) hex_value = hex(input_value)[2:] pt3 = literal_eval((str('0x'+str(hex_value[-2:])))) pt2 = literal_eval((str('0x'+str(hex_value[-4:-2])))) pt1 = literal_eval((str('0x'+str(hex_value[-6:-4])))) pt0 = literal_eval((str('0x'+str(hex_value[-8:-6])))) result = str(pt0)+'.'+str(pt1)+'.'+str(pt2)+'.'+str(pt3) return result try: while True : time.sleep(OUTPUT_INTERVAL) packet_cnt_output = packet_cnt.items() output_len = len(packet_cnt_output) print('\n') for i in range(0,output_len): if (len(str(packet_cnt_output[i][0]))) != 30: continue temp = int(str(packet_cnt_output[i][0])[8:-2]) # initial output omitted from the kernel space program temp = int(str(bin(temp))[2:]) # raw file src = int(str(temp)[:32],2) # part1 dst = int(str(temp)[32:],2) pkt_num = str(packet_cnt_output[i][1])[7:-1] monitor_result = 'source address : ' + decimal_to_human(str(src)) + ' ' + 'destination address : ' + \ decimal_to_human(str(dst)) + ' ' + pkt_num + ' ' + 'time : ' + str(time.localtime()[0])+\ ';'+str(time.localtime()[1]).zfill(2)+';'+str(time.localtime()[2]).zfill(2)+';'+\ str(time.localtime()[3]).zfill(2)+';'+str(time.localtime()[4]).zfill(2)+';'+\ str(time.localtime()[5]).zfill(2) print(monitor_result) # time.time() outputs time elapsed since 00:00 hours, 1st, Jan., 1970. packet_cnt.clear() # delete map entires after printing output. confiremd it deletes values and keys too except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stdout.close() pass