// SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause) // Copyright (c) 2020 Wenbo Zhang // // Based on biolatency(8) from BCC by Brendan Gregg. // 15-Jun-2020 Wenbo Zhang Created this. #include <argp.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> #include <bpf/libbpf.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <bpf/bpf.h> #include "blk_types.h" #include "biolatency.h" #include "biolatency.skel.h" #include "trace_helpers.h" #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*(x))) static struct env { char *disk; time_t interval; int times; bool timestamp; bool queued; bool per_disk; bool per_flag; bool milliseconds; bool verbose; } env = { .interval = 99999999, .times = 99999999, }; static volatile bool exiting; const char *argp_program_version = "biolatency 0.1"; const char *argp_program_bug_address = "https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/tree/master/libbpf-tools"; const char argp_program_doc[] = "Summarize block device I/O latency as a histogram.\n" "\n" "USAGE: biolatency [--help] [-T] [-m] [-Q] [-D] [-F] [-d DISK] [interval] [count]\n" "\n" "EXAMPLES:\n" " biolatency # summarize block I/O latency as a histogram\n" " biolatency 1 10 # print 1 second summaries, 10 times\n" " biolatency -mT 1 # 1s summaries, milliseconds, and timestamps\n" " biolatency -Q # include OS queued time in I/O time\n" " biolatency -D # show each disk device separately\n" " biolatency -F # show I/O flags separately\n" " biolatency -d sdc # Trace sdc only\n"; static const struct argp_option opts[] = { { "timestamp", 'T', NULL, 0, "Include timestamp on output" }, { "milliseconds", 'm', NULL, 0, "Millisecond histogram" }, { "queued", 'Q', NULL, 0, "Include OS queued time in I/O time" }, { "disk", 'D', NULL, 0, "Print a histogram per disk device" }, { "flag", 'F', NULL, 0, "Print a histogram per set of I/O flags" }, { "disk", 'd', "DISK", 0, "Trace this disk only" }, { "verbose", 'v', NULL, 0, "Verbose debug output" }, { NULL, 'h', NULL, OPTION_HIDDEN, "Show the full help" }, {}, }; static error_t parse_arg(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) { static int pos_args; switch (key) { case 'h': argp_state_help(state, stderr, ARGP_HELP_STD_HELP); break; case 'v': env.verbose = true; break; case 'm': env.milliseconds = true; break; case 'Q': env.queued = true; break; case 'D': env.per_disk = true; break; case 'F': env.per_flag = true; break; case 'T': env.timestamp = true; break; case 'd': env.disk = arg; if (strlen(arg) + 1 > DISK_NAME_LEN) { fprintf(stderr, "invaild disk name: too long\n"); argp_usage(state); } break; case ARGP_KEY_ARG: errno = 0; if (pos_args == 0) { env.interval = strtol(arg, NULL, 10); if (errno) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid internal\n"); argp_usage(state); } } else if (pos_args == 1) { env.times = strtol(arg, NULL, 10); if (errno) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid times\n"); argp_usage(state); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "unrecognized positional argument: %s\n", arg); argp_usage(state); } pos_args++; break; default: return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; } return 0; } int libbpf_print_fn(enum libbpf_print_level level, const char *format, va_list args) { if (level == LIBBPF_DEBUG && !env.verbose) return 0; return vfprintf(stderr, format, args); } static void sig_handler(int sig) { exiting = true; } static void print_cmd_flags(int cmd_flags) { static struct { int bit; const char *str; } flags[] = { { REQ_NOWAIT, "NoWait-" }, { REQ_BACKGROUND, "Background-" }, { REQ_RAHEAD, "ReadAhead-" }, { REQ_PREFLUSH, "PreFlush-" }, { REQ_FUA, "FUA-" }, { REQ_INTEGRITY, "Integrity-" }, { REQ_IDLE, "Idle-" }, { REQ_NOMERGE, "NoMerge-" }, { REQ_PRIO, "Priority-" }, { REQ_META, "Metadata-" }, { REQ_SYNC, "Sync-" }, }; static const char *ops[] = { [REQ_OP_READ] = "Read", [REQ_OP_WRITE] = "Write", [REQ_OP_FLUSH] = "Flush", [REQ_OP_DISCARD] = "Discard", [REQ_OP_SECURE_ERASE] = "SecureErase", [REQ_OP_ZONE_RESET] = "ZoneReset", [REQ_OP_WRITE_SAME] = "WriteSame", [REQ_OP_ZONE_RESET_ALL] = "ZoneResetAll", [REQ_OP_WRITE_ZEROES] = "WriteZeroes", [REQ_OP_ZONE_OPEN] = "ZoneOpen", [REQ_OP_ZONE_CLOSE] = "ZoneClose", [REQ_OP_ZONE_FINISH] = "ZoneFinish", [REQ_OP_SCSI_IN] = "SCSIIn", [REQ_OP_SCSI_OUT] = "SCSIOut", [REQ_OP_DRV_IN] = "DrvIn", [REQ_OP_DRV_OUT] = "DrvOut", }; int i; printf("flags = "); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(flags); i++) { if (cmd_flags & flags[i].bit) printf("%s", flags[i].str); } if ((cmd_flags & REQ_OP_MASK) < ARRAY_SIZE(ops)) printf("%s", ops[cmd_flags & REQ_OP_MASK]); else printf("Unknown"); } static int print_log2_hists(struct bpf_map *hists, struct partitions *partitions) { struct hist_key lookup_key = { .cmd_flags = -1 }, next_key; const char *units = env.milliseconds ? "msecs" : "usecs"; const struct partition *partition; int err, fd = bpf_map__fd(hists); struct hist hist; while (!bpf_map_get_next_key(fd, &lookup_key, &next_key)) { err = bpf_map_lookup_elem(fd, &next_key, &hist); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to lookup hist: %d\n", err); return -1; } if (env.per_disk) { partition = partitions__get_by_dev(partitions, next_key.dev); printf("\ndisk = %s\t", partition ? partition->name : "Unknown"); } if (env.per_flag) print_cmd_flags(next_key.cmd_flags); printf("\n"); print_log2_hist(hist.slots, MAX_SLOTS, units); lookup_key = next_key; } lookup_key.cmd_flags = -1; while (!bpf_map_get_next_key(fd, &lookup_key, &next_key)) { err = bpf_map_delete_elem(fd, &next_key); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to cleanup hist : %d\n", err); return -1; } lookup_key = next_key; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct partitions *partitions = NULL; const struct partition *partition; static const struct argp argp = { .options = opts, .parser = parse_arg, .doc = argp_program_doc, }; struct biolatency_bpf *obj; struct tm *tm; char ts[32]; time_t t; int err; err = argp_parse(&argp, argc, argv, 0, NULL, NULL); if (err) return err; libbpf_set_print(libbpf_print_fn); err = bump_memlock_rlimit(); if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to increase rlimit: %d\n", err); return 1; } obj = biolatency_bpf__open(); if (!obj) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open BPF object\n"); return 1; } partitions = partitions__load(); if (!partitions) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to load partitions info\n"); goto cleanup; } /* initialize global data (filtering options) */ if (env.disk) { partition = partitions__get_by_name(partitions, env.disk); if (!partition) { fprintf(stderr, "invaild partition name: not exist\n"); goto cleanup; } obj->rodata->targ_dev = partition->dev; } obj->rodata->targ_per_disk = env.per_disk; obj->rodata->targ_per_flag = env.per_flag; obj->rodata->targ_ms = env.milliseconds; obj->rodata->targ_queued = env.queued; err = biolatency_bpf__load(obj); if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to load BPF object: %d\n", err); goto cleanup; } if (env.queued) { obj->links.block_rq_insert = bpf_program__attach(obj->progs.block_rq_insert); err = libbpf_get_error(obj->links.block_rq_insert); if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to attach: %s\n", strerror(-err)); goto cleanup; } } obj->links.block_rq_issue = bpf_program__attach(obj->progs.block_rq_issue); err = libbpf_get_error(obj->links.block_rq_issue); if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to attach: %s\n", strerror(-err)); goto cleanup; } obj->links.block_rq_complete = bpf_program__attach(obj->progs.block_rq_complete); err = libbpf_get_error(obj->links.block_rq_complete); if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to attach: %s\n", strerror(-err)); goto cleanup; } signal(SIGINT, sig_handler); printf("Tracing block device I/O... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n"); /* main: poll */ while (1) { sleep(env.interval); printf("\n"); if (env.timestamp) { time(&t); tm = localtime(&t); strftime(ts, sizeof(ts), "%H:%M:%S", tm); printf("%-8s\n", ts); } err = print_log2_hists(obj->maps.hists, partitions); if (err) break; if (exiting || --env.times == 0) break; } cleanup: biolatency_bpf__destroy(obj); partitions__free(partitions); return err != 0; }