do local ffi = require("ffi") local ptrtype = ffi.typeof("uint64_t") local strformat = string.format function string.format(format, ...) local args = {...} local match_no = 1 local newfmt, count = string.gsub(format, "()%%(.-)(%a)", function(_, mods, t) local n = match_no match_no = match_no + 1 if t == 'p' and ffi.istype(ptrtype, args[n]) then local lo = tonumber(args[n] % 4294967296ULL) local hi = tonumber(args[n] / 4294967296ULL) args[n] = (hi == 0) and strformat("%x", lo) or strformat("%x%08x", hi, lo) return "%"..mods.."s" end end) if count == 0 then return strformat(format, ...) else return strformat(newfmt, unpack(args,1,select('#',...))) end end end function string.starts(s, p) return string.sub(s, 1, string.len(p)) == p end function string.lstrip(s, p) return string.sub(s, string.len(p) + 1) end function string.ends(s, e) return e == '' or string.sub(s, -string.len(e))==e end function string.escape(s) return s:gsub('[%-%.%+%[%]%(%)%$%^%%%?%*]','%%%1') end --- split a string into a list of strings separated by a delimiter. -- @param s The input string -- @param re A Lua string pattern; defaults to '%s+' -- @param plain don't use Lua patterns -- @param n optional maximum number of splits -- @return a list-like table -- @raise error if s is not a string function string.split(s,re,plain,n) local find,sub,append = string.find, string.sub, table.insert local i1,ls = 1,{} if not re then re = '%s+' end if re == '' then return {s} end while true do local i2,i3 = find(s,re,i1,plain) if not i2 then local last = sub(s,i1) if last ~= '' then append(ls,last) end if #ls == 1 and ls[1] == '' then return {} else return ls end end append(ls,sub(s,i1,i2-1)) if n and #ls == n then ls[#ls] = sub(s,i1) return ls end i1 = i3+1 end end function table.count(T) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end return count end function table.bsearch(list, value, mkval) local low = 1 local high = #list while low <= high do local mid = math.floor((low+high)/2) local this = mkval and mkval(list[mid]) or list[mid] if this > value then high = mid - 1 elseif this < value then low = mid + 1 else return mid end end return low - 1 end function table.join(a, b) assert(a) if b == nil or #b == 0 then return a end local res = {} for _, v in ipairs(a) do table.insert(res, v) end for _, v in ipairs(b) do table.insert(res, v) end return res end function, build_fn) build_fn = (build_fn or function(arg) return arg end) local res = {} while true do local vars = {iterator_fn()} if vars[1] == nil then break end table.insert(res, build_fn(vars)) end return res end function table.values(T) local V = {} for k, v in pairs(T) do table.insert(V, v) end return V end function table.tuples(T) local i = 0 local n = table.getn(t) return function () i = i + 1 if i <= n then return t[i][1], t[i][2] end end end getmetatable("").__mod = function(a, b) if not b then return a elseif type(b) == "table" then return string.format(a, unpack(b)) else return string.format(a, b) end end function os.exists(path) local,"r") if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end function os.spawn(...) local cmd = string.format(...) local proc = assert(io.popen(cmd)) local out = proc:read("*a") proc:close() return out end local function logline(...) if not log.enabled then return end local c_green = "\27[32m" local c_grey = "\27[1;30m" local c_clear = "\27[0m" local msg = string.format(...) local info = debug.getinfo(2, "Sln") local line = string.format("%s[%s:%s]%s %s", c_grey, info.short_src:match("^.+/(.+)$"), info.currentline, c_clear, io.stderr:write( string.format("%s[%s]%s %s: %s\n", c_green,"%H:%M:%S"), c_clear, line, msg)) end setmetatable(_G, { __newindex = function (_, n) error("attempt to write to undeclared variable "..n, 2) end, __index = function (_, n) error("attempt to read undeclared variable "..n, 2) end, }) rawset(_G, "log", { info = logline, enabled = false }) rawset(_G, "class", require("bcc.vendor.middleclass"))