Console Output

Skipping 403 KB.. Full Log
2: #if defined(BPF_LICENSE)
2: #error BPF_LICENSE cannot be specified through cflags
2: #endif
2: #endif
2: #endif
2: #define bpf_probe_read_kernel bpf_probe_read
2: #define bpf_probe_read_kernel_str bpf_probe_read_str
2: #define bpf_probe_read_user bpf_probe_read
2: #define bpf_probe_read_user_str bpf_probe_read_str
2: BPF_TABLE("array", int, int, stats, 10);
2: #include <bcc/footer.h>
2: Running from kernel directory at: /lib/modules/4.13.0-38-generic/build
 2/47 Test  #2: c_test_static ....................   Passed    0.94 sec
test 3
      Start  3: test_libbcc

3: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "c_test_all" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/cc/test_libbcc"
3: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
3: Parse error:
3:     4@i%ra+1r
3: -------^
3: unshare: failed to execute ruby: No such file or directory
3: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3: test_libbcc is a Catch v1.4.0 host application.
3: Run with -? for options
3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3: test probing running Ruby process in namespaces
3:   in separate mount namespace
3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/cc/
3: ...............................................................................
3: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/cc/ FAILED:
3:   REQUIRE( res.msg() == "" )
3: with expansion:
3:   "Unable to load USDT ruby:gc__mark__begin from binary  PID 7352 for probe
3:   on_event"
3:   ==
3:   ""
3: unshare: unrecognized option '--kill-child'
3: Try 'unshare --help' for more information.
3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3: test probing running Ruby process in namespaces
3:   in separate mount namespace and separate PID namespace
3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/cc/
3: ...............................................................................
3: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/cc/ FAILED:
3:   REQUIRE( res.msg() == "" )
3: with expansion:
3:   "No valid Binary Path or PID provided"
3:   ==
3:   ""
3: ===============================================================================
3: test cases:  41 |  40 passed | 1 failed as expected
3: assertions: 658 | 656 passed | 2 failed as expected
 3/47 Test  #3: test_libbcc ......................   Passed   15.54 sec
test 4
      Start  4: py_test_stat1_b

4: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_stat1_b" "namespace" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/" "test_stat1.b" "proto.b"
4: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
4: Actual changes:
4: tx-checksumming: off
4: 	tx-checksum-ip-generic: off
4: 	tx-checksum-sctp: off
4: tcp-segmentation-offload: off
4: 	tx-tcp-segmentation: off [requested on]
4: 	tx-tcp-ecn-segmentation: off [requested on]
4: 	tx-tcp-mangleid-segmentation: off [requested on]
4: 	tx-tcp6-segmentation: off [requested on]
4: udp-fragmentation-offload: off [requested on]
4: .PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
4: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
4: --- ping statistics ---
4: 100 packets transmitted, 100 received, 0% packet loss, time 2ms
4: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.006/0.011/0.096/0.011 ms, ipg/ewma 0.026/0.011 ms
4: .
4: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4: Ran 2 tests in 0.515s
4: OK
 4/47 Test  #4: py_test_stat1_b ..................   Passed    1.27 sec
test 5
      Start  5: py_test_bpf_log

5: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_bpf_prog" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
5: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
 5/47 Test  #5: py_test_bpf_log ..................   Passed    1.38 sec
test 6
      Start  6: py_test_stat1_c

6: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_stat1_c" "namespace" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/" "test_stat1.c"
6: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
6: Actual changes:
6: tx-checksumming: off
6: 	tx-checksum-ip-generic: off
6: 	tx-checksum-sctp: off
6: tcp-segmentation-offload: off
6: 	tx-tcp-segmentation: off [requested on]
6: 	tx-tcp-ecn-segmentation: off [requested on]
6: 	tx-tcp-mangleid-segmentation: off [requested on]
6: 	tx-tcp6-segmentation: off [requested on]
6: udp-fragmentation-offload: off [requested on]
6: .PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
6: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
6: --- ping statistics ---
6: 100 packets transmitted, 100 received, 0% packet loss, time 2ms
6: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.005/0.008/0.071/0.008 ms, ipg/ewma 0.026/0.008 ms
6: .
6: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
6: Ran 2 tests in 0.508s
6: OK
 6/47 Test  #6: py_test_stat1_c ..................   Passed    0.90 sec
test 7
      Start  7: py_test_xlate1_c

7: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_xlate1_c" "namespace" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/" "test_xlate1.c"
7: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
7: Actual changes:
7: tx-checksumming: off
7: 	tx-checksum-ip-generic: off
7: 	tx-checksum-sctp: off
7: tcp-segmentation-offload: off
7: 	tx-tcp-segmentation: off [requested on]
7: 	tx-tcp-ecn-segmentation: off [requested on]
7: 	tx-tcp-mangleid-segmentation: off [requested on]
7: 	tx-tcp6-segmentation: off [requested on]
7: udp-fragmentation-offload: off [requested on]
7: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
7: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.107 ms
7: --- ping statistics ---
7: 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
7: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.107/0.107/0.107/0.000 ms
7: .
7: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
7: Ran 1 test in 0.317s
7: OK
 7/47 Test  #7: py_test_xlate1_c .................   Passed    1.05 sec
test 8
      Start  8: py_test_call1

8: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_call1_c" "namespace" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/" "test_call1.c"
8: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
8: Actual changes:
8: tx-checksumming: off
8: 	tx-checksum-ip-generic: off
8: 	tx-checksum-sctp: off
8: tcp-segmentation-offload: off
8: 	tx-tcp-segmentation: off [requested on]
8: 	tx-tcp-ecn-segmentation: off [requested on]
8: 	tx-tcp-mangleid-segmentation: off [requested on]
8: 	tx-tcp6-segmentation: off [requested on]
8: udp-fragmentation-offload: off [requested on]
8: .
8: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
8: Ran 1 test in 0.278s
8: OK
 8/47 Test  #8: py_test_call1 ....................   Passed    1.01 sec
test 9
      Start  9: py_test_trace1

9: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_trace1" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/" "test_trace1.b" "kprobe.b"
9: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
9: .
9: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
9: Ran 1 test in 0.374s
9: OK
9: ('fd 8:', 'stat1 1', 'stat2 1')
9: ('fd ffff9ef2d5e86600:', 'stat1 2', 'stat2 0')
9: ('fd 9:', 'stat1 200', 'stat2 100')
9: ('fd 7:', 'stat1 0', 'stat2 1')
 9/47 Test  #9: py_test_trace1 ...................   Passed    0.58 sec
test 10
      Start 10: py_test_trace2

10: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_trace2" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
10: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
10: .
10: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
10: Ran 1 test in 3.660s
10: OK
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2d6a245c0:', 'stat1 (0 1)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2b1f80000:', 'stat1 (0 100)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2bfdb5d00:', 'stat1 (0 1)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2bfda2e80:', 'stat1 (0 22)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2d4418000:', 'stat1 (0 1)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2d6a80000:', 'stat1 (0 1)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2d6a22e80:', 'stat1 (0 1)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2d6a20000:', 'stat1 (0 121)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2bfdb1740:', 'stat1 (0 3)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2d34b2e80:', 'stat1 (0 5)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2bfd70000:', 'stat1 (0 1)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2d6a05d00:', 'stat1 (0 2)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2d4cc2e80:', 'stat1 (0 10)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2d2ef9740:', 'stat1 (0 1)')
10: ('ptr ffffffff99812480:', 'stat1 (0 29)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2d2ef0000:', 'stat1 (0 1)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2d1c15d00:', 'stat1 (0 1)')
10: ('ptr ffff9ef2d6b81740:', 'stat1 (0 1)')
10/47 Test #10: py_test_trace2 ...................   Passed    3.76 sec
test 11
      Start 11: py_test_trace3_c

11: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_trace3_c" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/" "test_trace3.c"
11: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
11: 1024+0 records in
11: 1024+0 records out
11: 4194304 bytes (4.2 MB, 4.0 MiB) copied, 0.00416263 s, 1.0 GB/s
11: 1024+0 records in
11: 1024+0 records out
11: 4194304 bytes (4.2 MB, 4.0 MiB) copied, 0.00452502 s, 927 MB/s
11: ('latency 0:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 1:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 2:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 3:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 4:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 5:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 6:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 7:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 8:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 9:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 10:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 11:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 12:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 13:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 14:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 15:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 16:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 17:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 18:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 19:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 20:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 21:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 22:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 23:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 24:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 25:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 26:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 27:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 28:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 29:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 30:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 31:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 32:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 33:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 34:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 35:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 36:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 37:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 38:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 39:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 40:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 41:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 42:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 43:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 44:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 45:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 46:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 47:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 48:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 49:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 50:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 51:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 52:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 53:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 54:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 55:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 56:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 57:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 58:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 59:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 60:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 61:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 62:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 63:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 64:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 65:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 66:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 67:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 68:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 69:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 70:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 71:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 72:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 73:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 74:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 75:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 76:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 77:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 78:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 79:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 80:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 81:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 82:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 83:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 84:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 85:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 86:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 87:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 88:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 89:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 90:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 91:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 92:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 93:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 94:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 95:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 96:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 97:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 98:', 'count 0')
11: ('latency 99:', 'count 0')
11: .
11: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11: Ran 1 test in 1.816s
11: OK
11/47 Test #11: py_test_trace3_c .................   Passed    2.04 sec
test 12
      Start 12: py_test_trace4

12: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_trace4" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
12: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
12: ..
12: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
12: Ran 2 tests in 1.465s
12: OK
12/47 Test #12: py_test_trace4 ...................   Passed    1.67 sec
test 13
      Start 13: py_test_trace_maxactive

13: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_trace_maxactive" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
13: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
13: .
13: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
13: Ran 1 test in 0.970s
13: OK
13/47 Test #13: py_test_trace_maxactive ..........   Passed    1.12 sec
test 14
      Start 14: py_test_probe_count

14: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_probe_count" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
14: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
14: ...cannot attach kprobe, probe entry may not exist
14: ...
14: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14: Ran 6 tests in 5.380s
14: OK
14/47 Test #14: py_test_probe_count ..............   Passed    5.43 sec
test 15
      Start 15: py_test_debuginfo

15: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_debuginfo" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
15: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
15: ......
15: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
15: Ran 6 tests in 0.509s
15: OK
15/47 Test #15: py_test_debuginfo ................   Passed    0.63 sec
test 16
      Start 16: py_test_brb

16: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_brb_c" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/" "test_brb.c"
16: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
16: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
16: 42 bytes from 62:61:0b:2c:98:12 ( index=0 time=6.497 usec
16: --- statistics ---
16: 1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received,   0% unanswered (0 extra)
16: rtt min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.006/0.006/0.006/0.000 ms
16: 42 bytes from 16:23:7c:86:80:0d ( index=0 time=7.888 usec
16: --- statistics ---
16: 1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received,   0% unanswered (0 extra)
16: rtt min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.008/0.008/0.008/0.000 ms
16: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
16: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.124 ms
16: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.088 ms
16: --- ping statistics ---
16: 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1011ms
16: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.088/0.106/0.124/0.018 ms
16: [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
16: [  9]  0.0- 1.0 sec  2.42 GBytes  20.8 Gbits/sec
16: [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
16: [ 10]  0.0- 1.0 sec  2.42 GBytes  20.7 Gbits/sec
16: Starting netserver with host 'IN(6)ADDR_ANY' port '12865' and family AF_UNSPEC
16: MIGRATED TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET : demo
16: Recv   Send    Send                          
16: Socket Socket  Message  Elapsed              
16: Size   Size    Size     Time     Throughput  
16: bytes  bytes   bytes    secs.    10^6bits/sec  
16:  87380  16384  65160    1.00     23273.59   
16: MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET : demo : first burst 0
16: Local /Remote
16: Socket Size   Request  Resp.   Elapsed  Trans.
16: Send   Recv   Size     Size    Time     Rate         
16: bytes  Bytes  bytes    bytes   secs.    per sec   
16: 16384  87380  1        1       1.00     22847.56   
16: 16384  87380 
16: .
16: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
16: Ran 1 test in 9.700s
16: OK
16/47 Test #16: py_test_brb ......................   Passed    9.83 sec
test 17
      Start 17: py_test_brb2

17: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_brb2_c" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/" "test_brb2.c"
17: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
17: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
17: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
17: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.278 ms
17: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.106 ms
17: --- ping statistics ---
17: 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
17: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.106/0.192/0.278/0.086 ms
17: [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
17: [  9]  0.0- 1.0 sec  2.22 GBytes  19.1 Gbits/sec
17: [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
17: [ 10]  0.0- 1.0 sec  2.22 GBytes  18.9 Gbits/sec
17: Starting netserver with host 'IN(6)ADDR_ANY' port '12865' and family AF_UNSPEC
17: MIGRATED TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET : demo
17: Recv   Send    Send                          
17: Socket Socket  Message  Elapsed              
17: Size   Size    Size     Time     Throughput  
17: bytes  bytes   bytes    secs.    10^6bits/sec  
17:  87380  16384  65160    1.00     21042.89   
17: MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET : demo : first burst 0
17: Local /Remote
17: Socket Size   Request  Resp.   Elapsed  Trans.
17: Send   Recv   Size     Size    Time     Rate         
17: bytes  Bytes  bytes    bytes   secs.    per sec   
17: 16384  87380  1        1       1.00     21185.56   
17: 16384  87380 
17: .
17: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
17: Ran 1 test in 7.758s
17: OK
17/47 Test #17: py_test_brb2 .....................   Passed    7.90 sec
test 18
      Start 18: py_test_clang

18: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_clang" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
18: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
18: .............In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: ./virtual/main.c:2:1: error: field has incomplete type 'struct key_t'
18: BPF_HASH(drops, struct key_t);
18: ^
18: /virtual/include/bcc/helpers.h:257:48: note: expanded from macro 'BPF_HASH'
18:                                                ^
18: /virtual/main.c:2:24: note: forward declaration of 'struct key_t'
18: BPF_HASH(drops, struct key_t);
18:                        ^
18: /virtual/main.c:2:1: error: field has incomplete type 'struct key_t'
18: BPF_HASH(drops, struct key_t);
18: ^
18: /virtual/include/bcc/helpers.h:257:48: note: expanded from macro 'BPF_HASH'
18:                                                ^
18: /virtual/main.c:2:24: note: forward declaration of 'struct key_t'
18: BPF_HASH(drops, struct key_t);
18:                        ^
18: 2 errors generated.
18: ../virtual/main.c:6:12: error: cannot call non-static helper function
18:     return bar();
18:            ^
18: 1 error generated.
18: file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
18: In file included from include/net/inet_sock.h:27:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: ...In file included from /virtual/main.c:2:
18: In file included from include/net/inet_sock.h:27:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .........In file included from /virtual/main.c:2:
18: In file included from include/net/tcp.h:24:
18: In file included from include/linux/tcp.h:23:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:2:
18: In file included from include/net/tcp.h:24:
18: In file included from include/linux/tcp.h:23:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .......In file included from /virtual/main.c:2:
18: In file included from include/net/inet_sock.h:27:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: ..In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
18: In file included from include/net/inet_sock.h:27:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: ...In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
18: In file included from include/net/inet_sock.h:27:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
18: In file included from include/linux/tcp.h:23:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:2:
18: In file included from include/net/inet_sock.h:27:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:2:
18: In file included from include/net/inet_sock.h:27:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:2:
18: In file included from include/net/inet_sock.h:27:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:2:
18: In file included from include/net/inet_sock.h:27:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:2:
18: In file included from include/net/inet_sock.h:27:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:2:
18: In file included from include/net/inet_sock.h:27:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: ../virtual/main.c:7:12: warning: incompatible pointer to integer conversion returning 'u32 *' (aka 'unsigned int *') from a function with result type 'int' [-Wint-conversion]
18:     return *(&skp->sk_daddr);
18:            ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
18: 1 warning generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
18: In file included from include/linux/tcp.h:23:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
18: In file included from include/linux/tcp.h:23:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
18: In file included from include/linux/tcp.h:23:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: ...In file included from /virtual/main.c:2:
18: In file included from include/net/tcp.h:24:
18: In file included from include/linux/tcp.h:23:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:2:
18: In file included from include/net/tcp.h:24:
18: In file included from include/linux/tcp.h:23:
18: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
18:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
18:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
18:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
18: 5 warnings generated.
18: ........./virtual/main.c:1:30: error: expected expression
18: int failure(void *ctx) { if (); return 0; }
18:                              ^
18: 1 error generated.
18: ../virtual/main.c:3:73: error: too many arguments, bcc only supports in-register parameters
18: int many(struct pt_regs *ctx, int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g) {
18:                                                                         ^
18: 1 error generated.
18: ....
18: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18: Ran 83 tests in 76.501s
18: OK (skipped=2)
18: 0
18/47 Test #18: py_test_clang ....................   Passed   77.02 sec
test 19
      Start 19: py_test_histogram

19: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_histogram" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
19: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
19: Bucket ptr = 'G1 Young RemSet'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 6        |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'kworker/0:12'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 2        |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'python'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 0        |                                        |
19:   67108864 -> 134217727  : 200      |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'RemoteInvocatio'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 10       |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'kworker/u4:2'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 2        |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'rcu_sched'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 4        |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'watchdog/0'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 2        |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'iscsid'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 2        |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'ctest'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 22       |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'VM Periodic Tas'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 40       |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'VM Thread'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 2        |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'swapper/0'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 4        |***                                     |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 4        |***                                     |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 4        |***                                     |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 32       |*************************               |
19:   67108864 -> 134217727  : 0        |                                        |
19:  134217728 -> 268435455  : 50       |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'watchdog/1'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 0        |                                        |
19:   67108864 -> 134217727  : 2        |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'gmain'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 0        |                                        |
19:   67108864 -> 134217727  : 2        |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'ntpd'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 0        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 2        |****************************************|
19: Bucket ptr = 'swapper/1'
19:      value               : count     distribution
19:          0 -> 1          : 2        |                                        |
19:          2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
19:          4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
19:          8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
19:         16 -> 31        ....
19: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
19: Ran 4 tests in 3.645s
19: OK
19:  : 0        |                                        |
19:         32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
19:         64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
19:        128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
19:        256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
19:        512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
19:       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
19:       2048 -> 4095       : 0        |                                        |
19:       4096 -> 8191       : 0        |                                        |
19:       8192 -> 16383      : 0        |                                        |
19:      16384 -> 32767      : 0        |                                        |
19:      32768 -> 65535      : 0        |                                        |
19:      65536 -> 131071     : 0        |                                        |
19:     131072 -> 262143     : 0        |                                        |
19:     262144 -> 524287     : 0        |                                        |
19:     524288 -> 1048575    : 0        |                                        |
19:    1048576 -> 2097151    : 0        |                                        |
19:    2097152 -> 4194303    : 0        |                                        |
19:    4194304 -> 8388607    : 0        |                                        |
19:    8388608 -> 16777215   : 2        |                                        |
19:   16777216 -> 33554431   : 0        |                                        |
19:   33554432 -> 67108863   : 0        |                                        |
19:   67108864 -> 134217727  : 200      |****************************************|
19/47 Test #19: py_test_histogram ................   Passed    3.71 sec
test 20
      Start 20: py_array

20: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_array" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
20: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
20: ....
20: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
20: Ran 4 tests in 1.589s
20: OK
20/47 Test #20: py_array .........................   Passed    1.64 sec
test 21
      Start 21: py_uprobes

21: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_uprobes" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
21: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
21: .Python 2.7.14
21: .Arena 0:
21: system bytes     =   29155328
21: in use bytes     =    3166352
21: Total (incl. mmap):
21: system bytes     =   29945856
21: in use bytes     =    3956880
21: max mmap regions =          7
21: max mmap bytes   =    9203712
21: .
21: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
21: Ran 3 tests in 8.672s
21: OK
21/47 Test #21: py_uprobes .......................   Passed    8.73 sec
test 22
      Start 22: py_uprobes_2

22: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_uprobes2" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
22: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
22: .
22: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
22: Ran 1 test in 0.296s
22: OK
22/47 Test #22: py_uprobes_2 .....................   Passed    0.38 sec
test 23
      Start 23: py_test_stackid

23: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_stackid" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
23: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
23: s.
23: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23: Ran 2 tests in 0.373s
23: OK (skipped=1)
23/47 Test #23: py_test_stackid ..................   Passed    0.55 sec
test 24
      Start 24: py_test_tracepoint

24: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_tracepoint" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
24: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
24: ..
24: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
24: Ran 2 tests in 2.481s
24: OK
24/47 Test #24: py_test_tracepoint ...............   Passed    2.63 sec
test 25
      Start 25: py_test_perf_event

25: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_perf_event" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
25: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
25: perf_event_open: No such file or directory
25: s
25: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
25: Ran 1 test in 0.351s
25: OK (skipped=1)
25/47 Test #25: py_test_perf_event ...............   Passed    0.50 sec
test 26
      Start 26: py_test_attach_perf_event

26: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_attach_perf_event" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
26: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
26: perf_event_open failed: No such file or directory
26: CRITICAL:root:WARNING! Test test_attach_raw_event_powerpc (__main__.TestPerfAttachRaw) failed, but marked as passed because it is decorated with @mayFail.
26: CRITICAL:root:	The reason why this mayFail was: This fails on github actions environment, hw perf events are not supported
26: CRITICAL:root:	The failure was: "None"
26: CRITICAL:root:	Stacktrace: "Traceback (most recent call last):
26:   File "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/", line 36, in wrapper
26:     res = func(*args, **kwargs)
26:   File "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/", line 62, in test_attach_raw_event_powerpc
26:     exit()
26:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 366, in __call__
26:     raise SystemExit(code)
26: SystemExit: None
26: "
26: .CRITICAL:root:WARNING! Test test_attach_raw_event_x86 (__main__.TestPerfAttachRaw) failed, but marked as passed because it is decorated with @mayFail.
26: CRITICAL:root:	The reason why this mayFail was: This fails on github actions environment, hw perf events are not supported
26: CRITICAL:root:	The failure was: "bpf_perf_event_data->addr requires kernel >= 4.17"
26: CRITICAL:root:	Stacktrace: "Traceback (most recent call last):
26:   File "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/", line 36, in wrapper
26:     res = func(*args, **kwargs)
26:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/", line 62, in skip_wrapper
26:     raise SkipTest(reason)
26: SkipTest: bpf_perf_event_data->addr requires kernel >= 4.17
26: "
26: .s
26: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
26: Ran 3 tests in 1.516s
26: OK (skipped=1)
26: Failed to attach to a raw event. Please check the event attr used
26/47 Test #26: py_test_attach_perf_event ........   Passed    1.62 sec
test 27
      Start 27: py_test_utils

27: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_utils" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
27: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
27: ..
27: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
27: Ran 2 tests in 0.000s
27: OK
27/47 Test #27: py_test_utils ....................   Passed    0.06 sec
test 28
      Start 28: py_test_percpu

28: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_percpu" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
28: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
28: ....
28: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
28: Ran 4 tests in 2.923s
28: OK
28/47 Test #28: py_test_percpu ...................   Passed    2.98 sec
test 29
      Start 29: py_test_dump_func

29: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_dump_func" "simple" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
29: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
29: .
29: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
29: Ran 1 test in 0.125s
29: OK
29/47 Test #29: py_test_dump_func ................   Passed    0.18 sec
test 30
      Start 30: py_test_disassembler

30: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_disassembler" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
30: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
30: ..
30: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
30: Ran 2 tests in 0.234s
30: OK
30/47 Test #30: py_test_disassembler .............   Passed    0.29 sec
test 31
      Start 31: py_test_tools_smoke

31: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_tools_smoke" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
31: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
31: Traceback (most recent call last):
31:   File "../../tools/", line 723, in run
31:     self._main_loop()
31:   File "../../tools/", line 713, in _main_loop
31:     exit()
31:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 366, in __call__
31:     raise SystemExit(code)
31: SystemExit: None
31: ..In file included from /virtual/main.c:17:
31: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
31:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: 5 warnings generated.
31: ...'unknown': I need something more specific.
31: .'unknown': I need something more specific.
31: 'unknown': I need something more specific.
31: 'unknown': I need something more specific.
31: 'unknown': I need something more specific.
31: .......s.............'unknown': I need something more specific.
31: ......Killed
31: .s..........libbpf: failed to find valid kernel BTF
31: libbpf: vmlinux BTF is not found
31: ......'unknown': I need something more specific.
31: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:6:
31: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
31:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: 5 warnings generated.
31: ........In file included from /virtual/main.c:15:
31: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
31:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: 5 warnings generated.
31: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:15:
31: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
31:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: 5 warnings generated.
31: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
31: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
31:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: 5 warnings generated.
31: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:5:
31: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
31:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: 5 warnings generated.
31: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
31: In file included from include/linux/tcp.h:23:
31: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
31:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: 5 warnings generated.
31: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:3:
31: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
31:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: 5 warnings generated.
31: .In file included from /virtual/main.c:15:
31: In file included from include/net/sock.h:58:
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:580:31: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:593:29: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(pn->memcg, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:605:38: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         __mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:618:36: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum node_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:         mod_memcg_state(page->mem_cgroup, idx, val);
31:         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: include/linux/memcontrol.h:639:40: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum memcg_stat_item' to different enumeration type 'enum vm_event_item' [-Wenum-conversion]
31:                 count_memcg_events(page->mem_cgroup, idx, 1);
31:                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   ^~~
31: 5 warnings generated.
31: 'unknown': I need something more specific.
31: ...'unknown': I need something more specific.
31: .....'unknown': I need something more specific.
31: ...libbpf: failed to find valid kernel BTF
31: libbpf: vmlinux BTF is not found
31: ......
31: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
31: Ran 83 tests in 276.916s
31: OK (skipped=2)
31/47 Test #31: py_test_tools_smoke ..............   Passed  277.02 sec
test 32
      Start 32: py_test_tools_memleak

32: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_tools_memleak" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
32: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
32: cannot attach uprobe, Device or resource busy
32: .cannot attach uprobe, Device or resource busy
32: .cannot attach uprobe, Device or resource busy
32: .cannot attach uprobe, Device or resource busy
32: .cannot attach uprobe, Device or resource busy
32: .cannot attach uprobe, Device or resource busy
32: .cannot attach uprobe, Device or resource busy
32: .cannot attach uprobe, Device or resource busy
32: .
32: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
32: Ran 8 tests in 23.909s
32: OK
32/47 Test #32: py_test_tools_memleak ............   Passed   24.02 sec
test 33
      Start 33: py_test_usdt

33: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_usdt" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
33: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
33: <stdin>:23:17: warning: null character(s) preserved in literal
33: <stdin>:28:17: warning: null character(s) preserved in literal
33: <stdin>: In function ‘int main()’:
33: <stdin>:25:49: warning: format ‘%d’ expects argument of type ‘int’, but argument 4 has type ‘uint64_t {aka long unsigned int}’ [-Wformat=]
33: <stdin>:30:49: warning: format ‘%d’ expects argument of type ‘int’, but argument 4 has type ‘uint64_t {aka long unsigned int}’ [-Wformat=]
33: clang -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -emit-llvm-bc -emit-llvm-uselists -disable-free -disable-llvm-verifier -main-file-name main.c -mrelocation-model static -mthread-model posix -fmath-errno -masm-verbose -mconstructor-aliases -fuse-init-array -target-cpu x86-64 -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -dwarf-column-info -debugger-tuning=gdb -coverage-file /usr/src/linux-headers-4.13.0-38-generic/main.c -nostdsysteminc -nobuiltininc -resource-dir ../lib/clang/3.8.1 -isystem /virtual/lib/clang/include -include ./include/linux/kconfig.h -include /virtual/include/bcc/bpf.h -include /virtual/include/bcc/bpf_workaround.h -include /virtual/include/bcc/helpers.h -isystem /virtual/include -I /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python -D __BPF_TRACING__ -I arch/x86/include/ -I arch/x86/include/generated -I include -I arch/x86/include/uapi -I arch/x86/include/generated/uapi -I include/uapi -I include/generated/uapi -D __KERNEL__ -D KBUILD_MODNAME="bcc" -O2 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end -Wno-pragma-once-outside-header -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unknown-warning-option -Wno-unused-value -Wno-pointer-sign -fdebug-compilation-dir /usr/src/linux-headers-4.13.0-38-generic -ferror-limit 19 -fmessage-length 0 -fobjc-runtime=gcc -fdiagnostics-show-option -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -o main.bc -x c /virtual/main.c
33: #if defined(BPF_LICENSE)
33: #error BPF_LICENSE cannot be specified through cflags
33: #endif
33: #endif
33: #endif
33: #define bpf_probe_read_kernel bpf_probe_read
33: #define bpf_probe_read_kernel_str bpf_probe_read_str
33: #define bpf_probe_read_user bpf_probe_read
33: #define bpf_probe_read_user_str bpf_probe_read_str
33: #include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h>
33: __attribute__((always_inline))
33: static __always_inline int _bpf_readarg_do_trace1_1(struct pt_regs *ctx, void *dest, size_t len) {
33:   if (len != sizeof(int8_t)) return -1;
33:   switch(PT_REGS_IP(ctx)) {
33:   case 0x5575b822980bULL: *((int8_t *)dest) = ctx->ax; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory"); return 0;
33:   case 0x5575b8229811ULL: *((int8_t *)dest) = ctx->ax; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory"); return 0;
33:   }
33:   return -1;
33: }
33: __attribute__((always_inline))
33: static __always_inline int _bpf_readarg_do_trace1_2(struct pt_regs *ctx, void *dest, size_t len) {
33:   if (len != sizeof(int32_t)) return -1;
33:   switch(PT_REGS_IP(ctx)) {
33:   case 0x5575b822980bULL: { u64 __addr = ctx->bp + -204; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory"); int32_t __res = 0x0; bpf_probe_read_user(&__res, sizeof(__res), (void *)__addr); *((int32_t *)dest) = __res; } return 0;
33:   case 0x5575b8229811ULL: { u64 __addr = ctx->bp + -208; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory"); int32_t __res = 0x0; bpf_probe_read_user(&__res, sizeof(__res), (void *)__addr); *((int32_t *)dest) = __res; } return 0;
33:   }
33:   return -1;
33: }
33: __attribute__((always_inline))
33: static __always_inline int _bpf_readarg_do_trace3_1(struct pt_regs *ctx, void *dest, size_t len) {
33:   if (len != sizeof(int32_t)) return -1;
33:   switch(PT_REGS_IP(ctx)) {
33:   case 0x5575b822980cULL: { u64 __addr = ctx->bp + -208; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory"); int32_t __res = 0x0; bpf_probe_read_user(&__res, sizeof(__res), (void *)__addr); *((int32_t *)dest) = __res; } return 0;
33:   case 0x5575b822981fULL: *((int32_t *)dest) = ctx->ax; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory"); return 0;
33:   }
33:   return -1;
33: }
33: __attribute__((always_inline))
33: static __always_inline int _bpf_readarg_do_trace3_2(struct pt_regs *ctx, void *dest, size_t len) {
33:   if (len != sizeof(int32_t)) return -1;
33:   switch(PT_REGS_IP(ctx)) {
33:   case 0x5575b822980cULL: { u64 __addr = ctx->bp + -204; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory"); int32_t __res = 0x0; bpf_probe_read_user(&__res, sizeof(__res), (void *)__addr); *((int32_t *)dest) = __res; } return 0;
33:   case 0x5575b822981fULL: *((int32_t *)dest) = ctx->dx; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory"); return 0;
33:   }
33:   return -1;
33: }
33: __attribute__((always_inline))
33: static __always_inline int _bpf_readarg_do_trace2_1(struct pt_regs *ctx, void *dest, size_t len) {
33:   if (len != sizeof(int32_t)) return -1;
33:   *((int32_t *)dest) = 5;
33:   return 0;
33: }
33: __attribute__((always_inline))
33: static __always_inline int _bpf_readarg_do_trace2_2(struct pt_regs *ctx, void *dest, size_t len) {
33:   if (len != sizeof(int8_t)) return -1;
33:   *((int8_t *)dest) = ctx->ax; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory");
33:   return 0;
33: }
33: __attribute__((always_inline))
33: static __always_inline int _bpf_readarg_do_trace4_1(struct pt_regs *ctx, void *dest, size_t len) {
33:   if (len != sizeof(int64_t)) return -1;
33:   *((int64_t *)dest) = ctx->ax; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory");
33:   return 0;
33: }
33: __attribute__((always_inline))
33: static __always_inline int _bpf_readarg_do_trace4_2(struct pt_regs *ctx, void *dest, size_t len) {
33:   if (len != sizeof(int64_t)) return -1;
33:   *((int64_t *)dest) = ctx->dx; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory");
33:   return 0;
33: }
33: __attribute__((always_inline))
33: static __always_inline int _bpf_readarg_do_trace5_1(struct pt_regs *ctx, void *dest, size_t len) {
33:   if (len != sizeof(int64_t)) return -1;
33:   *((int64_t *)dest) = ctx->dx; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory");
33:   return 0;
33: }
33: __attribute__((always_inline))
33: static __always_inline int _bpf_readarg_do_trace5_2(struct pt_regs *ctx, void *dest, size_t len) {
33:   if (len != sizeof(int64_t)) return -1;
33:   *((int64_t *)dest) = ctx->ax; __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory");
33:   return 0;
33: }
33: #include <linux/blkdev.h>
33: #include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h>
33: struct probe_result_t1 {
33:   char v1;
33:   int  v2;
33: };
33: struct probe_result_t2 {
33:   int  v1;
33:   char v2;
33: };
33: struct probe_result_t3 {
33:   int v1;
33:   int v2;
33: };
33: struct probe_result_t4 {
33:   u64  v1;
33:   char v2[8];
33: };
33: struct probe_result_t5 {
33:   char v1[8];
33:   u64  v2;
33: };
33: BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(event1);
33: BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(event2);
33: BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(event3);
33: BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(event4);
33: BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(event5);
33: __attribute__((section(".bpf.fn.do_trace1")))
33: int do_trace1(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
33:     struct probe_result_t1 result = {};
33:     _bpf_readarg_do_trace1_1(ctx, &result.v1, sizeof(*(&result.v1)));
33:     _bpf_readarg_do_trace1_2(ctx, &result.v2, sizeof(*(&result.v2)));
33:     bpf_perf_event_output(ctx, bpf_pseudo_fd(1, -1), CUR_CPU_IDENTIFIER, &result, sizeof(result));
33:     return 0;
33: };
33: __attribute__((section(".bpf.fn.do_trace2")))
33: int do_trace2(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
33:     struct probe_result_t2 result = {};
33:     _bpf_readarg_do_trace2_1(ctx, &result.v1, sizeof(*(&result.v1)));
33:     _bpf_readarg_do_trace2_2(ctx, &result.v2, sizeof(*(&result.v2)));
33:     bpf_perf_event_output(ctx, bpf_pseudo_fd(1, -2), CUR_CPU_IDENTIFIER, &result, sizeof(result));
33:     return 0;
33: }
33: __attribute__((section(".bpf.fn.do_trace3")))
33: int do_trace3(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
33:     struct probe_result_t3 result = {};
33:     _bpf_readarg_do_trace3_1(ctx, &result.v1, sizeof(*(&result.v1)));
33:     _bpf_readarg_do_trace3_2(ctx, &result.v2, sizeof(*(&result.v2)));
33:     bpf_perf_event_output(ctx, bpf_pseudo_fd(1, -3), CUR_CPU_IDENTIFIER, &result, sizeof(result));
33:     return 0;
33: }
33: __attribute__((section(".bpf.fn.do_trace4")))
33: int do_trace4(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
33:     struct probe_result_t4 result = {};
33:     _bpf_readarg_do_trace4_1(ctx, &result.v1, sizeof(*(&result.v1)));
33:     ({ u64 __addr = 0x0; _bpf_readarg_do_trace4_2(ctx, &__addr, sizeof(__addr));bpf_probe_read(&result.v2, sizeof(result.v2), (void *)__addr);});
33:     bpf_perf_event_output(ctx, bpf_pseudo_fd(1, -4), CUR_CPU_IDENTIFIER, &result, sizeof(result));
33:     return 0;
33: }
33: __attribute__((section(".bpf.fn.do_trace5")))
33: int do_trace5(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
33:     struct probe_result_t5 result = {};
33:     ({ u64 __addr = 0x0; _bpf_readarg_do_trace5_1(ctx, &__addr, sizeof(__addr));bpf_probe_read(&result.v1, sizeof(result.v1), (void *)__addr);});
33:     _bpf_readarg_do_trace5_2(ctx, &result.v2, sizeof(*(&result.v2)));
33:     bpf_perf_event_output(ctx, bpf_pseudo_fd(1, -5), CUR_CPU_IDENTIFIER, &result, sizeof(result));
33:     return 0;
33: }
33: #include <bcc/footer.h>
33: .
33: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
33: Ran 1 test in 4.055s
33: OK
33: Running from kernel directory at: /lib/modules/4.13.0-38-generic/build
33: str4
33: str5
33: str6
33: str7
33: str8
33: str9
33/47 Test #33: py_test_usdt .....................   Passed    4.35 sec
test 34
      Start 34: py_test_usdt2

34: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_usdt2" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
34: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
34: .
34: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
34: Ran 1 test in 3.053s
34: OK
34/47 Test #34: py_test_usdt2 ....................   Passed    3.26 sec
test 35
      Start 35: py_test_usdt3

35: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_usdt3" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
35: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
35: test:probe [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/tmp/tmpMlZTbF/ 0x5d1
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ *(bp - 4)
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/tmp/tmpMlZTbF/ 0x5d1
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ *(bp - 4)
35:   location #3 /proc/8513/root/tmp/tmpMlZTbF/a.out 0x7b1
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ *(bp - 4)
35: test_dup_name:probe [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/tmp/tmpMlZTbF/ 0x5d2
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ *(bp - 4)
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/tmp/tmpMlZTbF/ 0x5d2
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ *(bp - 4)
35:   location #3 /proc/8513/root/tmp/tmpMlZTbF/a.out 0x7b2
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ *(bp - 4)
35: libc:setjmp [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x36dd1
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ di
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ si
35:     argument #3 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35: libc:longjmp [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x36eb3
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ di
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ si
35:     argument #3 8 unsigned bytes @ dx
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x127703
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ di
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ si
35:     argument #3 8 unsigned bytes @ dx
35: libc:longjmp_target [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x36ecf
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ di
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ ax
35:     argument #3 8 unsigned bytes @ dx
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x12771f
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ di
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ ax
35:     argument #3 8 unsigned bytes @ dx
35: libc:memory_mallopt_arena_max [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x87e73
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 32)
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x91120
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 32)
35: libc:memory_mallopt_arena_test [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x87e83
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 24)
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x91179
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 24)
35: libc:memory_tunable_tcache_max_bytes [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x87e9b
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 88)
35: libc:memory_tunable_tcache_count [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x87ed3
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 96)
35: libc:memory_tunable_tcache_unsorted_limit [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x87ee3
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 104)
35: libc:memory_mallopt_trim_threshold [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x88133
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 0)
35:     argument #3 4 signed   bytes @ *(&mp_ + 52)
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x911f0
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 0)
35:     argument #3 4 signed   bytes @ *(&mp_ + 52)
35: libc:memory_mallopt_top_pad [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x88153
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 8)
35:     argument #3 4 signed   bytes @ *(&mp_ + 52)
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x911d0
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 8)
35:     argument #3 4 signed   bytes @ *(&mp_ + 52)
35: libc:memory_mallopt_mmap_threshold [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8817b
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 16)
35:     argument #3 4 signed   bytes @ *(&mp_ + 52)
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x911af
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&mp_ + 16)
35:     argument #3 4 signed   bytes @ *(&mp_ + 52)
35: libc:memory_mallopt_mmap_max [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x88193
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ *(&mp_ + 44)
35:     argument #3 4 signed   bytes @ *(&mp_ + 52)
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x91188
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ bx
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ *(&mp_ + 44)
35:     argument #3 4 signed   bytes @ *(&mp_ + 52)
35: libc:memory_mallopt_perturb [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x881b3
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ *(&perturb_byte + 0)
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x91210
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ bx
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ *(&perturb_byte + 0)
35: libc:memory_heap_new [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x882d8
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bp
35: libc:memory_sbrk_less [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x886ee
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 8 signed   bytes @ r12
35: libc:memory_arena_reuse_free_list [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8880c
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ dx
35: libc:memory_arena_reuse_wait [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8893c
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ r8
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ r8
35:     argument #3 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35: libc:memory_arena_reuse [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x88a6c
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ dx
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35: libc:memory_arena_new [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x88ce8
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ dx
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bp
35: libc:memory_arena_retry [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x88ee9
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ si
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ di
35: libc:memory_heap_free [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8abf1
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ di
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35: libc:memory_heap_less [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8acad
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ r15
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ r10
35: libc:memory_heap_more [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8b4b5
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ r8
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ cx
35: libc:memory_sbrk_more [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8b7af
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 8 signed   bytes @ dx
35: libc:memory_malloc_retry [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8da68
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ bp
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8f0b8
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ bp
35: libc:memory_mallopt_check_action [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8ee93
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ *(&check_action + 0)
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x91228
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ bx
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ *(&check_action + 0)
35: libc:memory_memalign_retry [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8f2e8
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ r12
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8ff18
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ r12
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35:   location #3 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x901a0
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ r12
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35:   location #4 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x90470
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ r12
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35:   location #5 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x91488
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ r12
35: libc:memory_mallopt_free_dyn_thresholds [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8f4b1
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ cx
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x18c3a8
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ di
35: libc:memory_realloc_retry [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8f980
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ r12
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bp
35:   location #2 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8fcf0
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ r15
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35: libc:memory_calloc_retry [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x90790
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ r12
35: libc:memory_mallopt [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x910c4
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ bp
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ bx
35: libc:memory_mallopt_mxfast [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x910f2
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ bx
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(&global_max_fast + 0)
35: libc:lll_lock_wait_private [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x123154
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ di
35: rtld:init_start [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x3a5f
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ 0
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35: rtld:init_complete [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x41c8
35:     argument #1 4 signed   bytes @ 0
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35: rtld:map_failed [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x5ac6
35:     argument #1 8 signed   bytes @ *(sp + 72)
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bp
35: rtld:map_start [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x6a3a
35:     argument #1 8 signed   bytes @ *(bp + 40)
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35: rtld:map_complete [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x15a17
35:     argument #1 8 signed   bytes @ *(r15 + 40)
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35:     argument #3 8 unsigned bytes @ *(bp - 104)
35: rtld:reloc_complete [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x15be1
35:     argument #1 8 signed   bytes @ *(ax + 40)
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(bp - 120)
35:     argument #3 8 unsigned bytes @ *(bp - 104)
35: rtld:reloc_start [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x15d96
35:     argument #1 8 signed   bytes @ *(cx + 40)
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ *(bp - 120)
35: rtld:unmap_start [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x1698a
35:     argument #1 8 signed   bytes @ r15
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ r14
35: rtld:unmap_complete [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x16c11
35:     argument #1 8 signed   bytes @ *(bp - 112)
35:     argument #2 8 unsigned bytes @ bx
35: rtld:setjmp [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x1d5ad
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ di
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ si
35:     argument #3 8 unsigned bytes @ ax
35: rtld:longjmp [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x1d5ed
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ di
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ si
35:     argument #3 8 unsigned bytes @ dx
35: rtld:longjmp_target [sema 0x0]
35:   location #1 /proc/8513/root/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x1d609
35:     argument #1 8 unsigned bytes @ di
35:     argument #2 4 signed   bytes @ ax
35:     argument #3 8 unsigned bytes @ dx
35: .
35: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
35: Ran 1 test in 1.149s
35: OK
35: temp directory: /tmp/tmpMlZTbF
35/47 Test #35: py_test_usdt3 ....................   Passed    1.33 sec
test 36
      Start 36: py_test_license

36: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_license" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
36: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
36: /virtual/main.c:2:2: error: BPF_LICENSE cannot be specified through cflags
36: #error BPF_LICENSE cannot be specified through cflags
36:  ^
36: 1 error generated.
36: x/virtual/main.c:2:2: error: BPF_LICENSE cannot be specified through cflags
36: #error BPF_LICENSE cannot be specified through cflags
36:  ^
36: 1 error generated.
36: x.bpf: Failed to load program: Invalid argument
36: 0: (bf) r6 = r1
36: 1: (85) call bpf_ktime_get_ns#5
36: cannot call GPL only function from proprietary program
36: x../virtual/main.c:2:2: error: BPF_LICENSE cannot be specified through cflags
36: #error BPF_LICENSE cannot be specified through cflags
36:  ^
36: 1 error generated.
36: xbpf: Failed to load program: Invalid argument
36: 0: (bf) r6 = r1
36: 1: (85) call bpf_ktime_get_ns#5
36: cannot call GPL only function from proprietary program
36: x..
36: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
36: Ran 10 tests in 2.753s
36: OK (expected failures=5)
36/47 Test #36: py_test_license ..................   Passed    2.80 sec
test 37
      Start 37: py_test_free_bcc_memory

37: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_free_bcc_memory" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
37: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
37: .
37: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
37: Ran 1 test in 0.256s
37: OK
37: Before freeing llvm memory: RssFile:  37608 kB
37: After  freeing llvm memory: RssFile:  12996 kB
37/47 Test #37: py_test_free_bcc_memory ..........   Passed    0.36 sec
test 38
      Start 38: py_test_rlimit

38: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_rlimit" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
38: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
38: could not open bpf map: unused, error: Operation not permitted
38: .
38: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
38: Ran 1 test in 0.444s
38: OK
38/47 Test #38: py_test_rlimit ...................   Passed    0.49 sec
test 39
      Start 39: py_test_lpm_trie

39: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_lpm_trie" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
39: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
39: ..
39: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
39: Ran 2 tests in 0.457s
39: OK
39/47 Test #39: py_test_lpm_trie .................   Passed    0.57 sec
test 40
      Start 40: py_ringbuf

40: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_ringbuf" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
40: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
40: ssss
40: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
40: Ran 4 tests in 0.000s
40: OK (skipped=4)
40/47 Test #40: py_ringbuf .......................   Passed    0.11 sec
test 41
      Start 41: py_queuestack

41: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_queuestack" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
41: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
41: ss
41: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
41: Ran 2 tests in 0.000s
41: OK (skipped=2)
41/47 Test #41: py_queuestack ....................   Passed    0.10 sec
test 42
      Start 42: py_test_map_batch_ops

42: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_map_batch_ops" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
42: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
42: ssssss
42: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
42: Ran 6 tests in 0.000s
42: OK (skipped=6)
42/47 Test #42: py_test_map_batch_ops ............   Passed    0.11 sec
test 43
      Start 43: py_test_map_in_map

43: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "py_test_map_in_map" "sudo" "/home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/python/"
43: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
43: ...
43: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
43: Ran 3 tests in 0.958s
43: OK
43/47 Test #43: py_test_map_in_map ...............   Passed    1.07 sec
test 44
      Start 44: lua_test_clang

44: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "lua_test_clang" "sudo" "/usr/bin/luajit" "test_clang.lua"
44: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
44: /virtual/main.c:1:30: error: expected expression
44: int failure(void *ctx) { if (); return 0; }
44:                              ^
44: 1 error generated.
44: ....................
44: Ran 20 tests in 12.468 seconds, 20 successes, 0 failures
44: OK
44/47 Test #44: lua_test_clang ...................   Passed   12.49 sec
test 45
      Start 45: lua_test_uprobes

45: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "lua_test_uprobes" "sudo" "/usr/bin/luajit" "test_uprobes.lua"
45: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
45: Python 2.7.14
45: Arena 0:
45: system bytes     =   24580096
45: in use bytes     =    1196272
45: Total (incl. mmap):
45: system bytes     =   24580096
45: in use bytes     =    1196272
45: max mmap regions =          6
45: max mmap bytes   =    8413184
45: ..
45: Ran 2 tests in 0.488 seconds, 2 successes, 0 failures
45: OK
45/47 Test #45: lua_test_uprobes .................   Passed    0.63 sec
test 46
      Start 46: lua_test_dump

46: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/build/tests/ "lua_test_dump" "sudo" "/usr/bin/luajit" "test_dump.lua"
46: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
46: .
46: Ran 1 tests in 0.221 seconds, 1 successes, 0 failures
46: OK
46/47 Test #46: lua_test_dump ....................   Passed    0.24 sec
test 47
      Start 47: lua_test_standalone

47: Test command: /home/iovisor/jenkins/workspace/bcc-pr/label/ubuntu1710/tests/lua/
47: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
47: + cd src/lua
47: + [[ ! -x bcc-lua ]]
47: + echo 'bcc-lua not built --- skipping'
47: bcc-lua not built --- skipping
47: + exit 0
47/47 Test #47: lua_test_standalone ..............   Passed    0.00 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 47

Total Test time (real) = 484.51 sec
+ head -n 1 Testing/TAG
+ cp Testing/20210917-0524/Test.xml ./CTestResults.xml
Taking single-use agent ubuntu1710-slave-ec offline.
Finished: SUCCESS